City Council Meeting - 3/26/2014
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Pledge of Allegiance / Roll Call
Oral Communications
Consent Calendar
CENTERPOINTE 78 COMMERCIAL CENTER (CASE NO. ENV 13-0009, ADM 13-0127) - Request Council approve a consulting agreement and scope of services with Recon Environmental totaling $143,575 (including a $15,000 contingency) to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for a 43,500 sq. ft. retail grocery store and 3,200 sq. ft. restaurant with drive through facilities on 3.7 acres at the northwestern corner of Highway 78 and Broadway addressed as 925 N. Broadway.
Consent Calendar Item 5
2013 ANNUAL HOUSING ELEMENT REPORT (CASE NO. PHG 13-0041) - Request Council authorize submittal of the attached 2013 Annual Housing Report on the City's progress on implementation of the 2013-2020 Housing Element of the General Plan to the State Office of Planning and Research, the State Department of Housing and Community Development and SANDAG.
Consent Calendar Item 6
EL CABALLO PARK CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN (CASE NO. PHG 13-001) - Request Council accept the conceptual El Caballo Park Master Plan and provide staff direction regarding preparation of an environmental review required prior to formally adopting the Master Plan.
Current Business Item 8
ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - Request Council ratify the Mayor's appointments to serve on the City's eight Boards and Commissions; terms to expire March 31, 2018 except as noted
Current Business Item 9
CALPERS ACTUARIAL PRESENTATION - Request Council receive a presentation from John Bartel of Bartel Associates LLC, regarding the City of Escondido CalPERS pension plans; future actuarial assumptions; and a Public Employee's Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) update.
Workshop 10
Future Agenda
Council Comments