City Council Meeting - 8/6/2014
Moment of Silence and Reflection
Pledge of Allegiance / Roll Call
Update on San Diego County Activities by Supervisor Dave Roberts
Oral Communications
Consent Calendar
ESCONDIDO-VISTA WATER TREATMENT PLANT DISINFECTION AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEM UPGRADES PROJECT AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - Request Council approve authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Public Improvement Agreement with Pacific Hydrotech Corporation, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, in the amount of $12,381,800; and approve authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Consulting Agreements with RBF Consulting in the amount of $847,592 for Construction Management Services, Black & Veatch Corporation in the amount of $84,380 for Engineering Services and Water Synergy Inc. in the amount of $106,904 for Engineering Services; and approve a budget adjustment in the amount of $4,529,609.
Consent Calendar Item 6
AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING CODE PERTAINING TO COMMERCIAL ZONES (AZ 14-0001) - Request Council approve the amendments to the Zoning Code Article 16, Commercial Zones and certify the environmental determination.
Public Hearing Item 8
ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANCE PROGRAM FOR ONSITE STORMWATER STRUCTURAL CONTROLS - Request Council receive and file the staff report concerning an alternative compliance program for onsite stormwater structural controls and provide direction on whether staff should pursue the program's implementation.
Current Business Item 9