City Council Meeting - 9/10/2014
Moment of Silence and Reflection
Pledge of Allegiance / Roll Call
Oral Communications
Consent Calendar
BID AWARD, DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL FOR MAPLE STREET PEDESTRIAN PLAZA MODIFICATIONS - Request Council approve authorizing the bid award to LB Civil Construction, determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder; approve authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Public Improvement Agreement in the amount of $69,700 for the Maple Street Pedestrian Plaza Modifications, execute a Design Implementation Agreement with the Design Consultants; and approve a budget adjustment to create a project budget and accept funding for the project from the Design Consultants.
Current Business Item 6
PUBLIC HEARING FOR CITY OF ESCONDIDO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ZONE 37 - Request Council receive input from the property owner in Zone 37 of the City of Escondido Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) on the proposed budget and assessments for Fiscal Year 2015/2016. No Council action is required.
Public Hearing Item 7
TENTATIVE MAP WITH ONE GRADING EXEMPTION, DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND ANNEXATION (SUB 13-0011, PHG 13-0043, PHG 13-0044, ENV 13-0015) - Request Council approve the proposed 13-lot Tentative Map with one Grading Exemption on 4.2 acres, a Development Agreement with a five-year term to authorize construction of the residential subdivision within the North Broadway Deficiency Area; approve authorizing an application to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for annexing 5.7 acres that includes the proposed Tentative Map, three adjacent vacant properties and the bordering streets of Stanley and Lehner Avenues and Ash Street; and approve the Mitigated Negative Declaration with mitigation measures to reduce potential biological, noise, hydrology and traffic/transportation impacts to a less than significant level.
Public Hearing Item 8
APPEAL OF A PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION TO DENY A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND EXTENSION OF TIME (PHG 14-0017) - Request Council consider an appeal of a Planning Commission decision. The Planning Commission denied a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to operate an unaccompanied youth care facility, at a site previously used for a skilled nursing facility.
Public Hearing Item 9
Oral Communications