City Council Meeting - 7/20/2016
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Moment of Silence and Reflection
Pledge of Allegiance / Roll Call
Equinox Project 2016 San Diego Regional Quality of Life Dashboard
Oral Communications
Consent Calendar
ADOPTION OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR AMBER LANE SINGLEFAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOT DEVELOPMENT (ENV 16-0003) - Request the City Council approve the adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program prepared for the Amber Lane Residential Development.
Consent Calendar Item 6
LONG-FORM RENT REVIEW BOARD HEARING FOR SUNDANCE MOBILEHOME PARK - Request the City Council hear public testimony and determine the appropriate method and factors to utilize for calculating any resulting rent increase as well as the specific rent increase.
Public Hearing Item 11
LOCAL REGISTER DESIGNATION OF THE PROPERTY AT 2612 LOMA VISTA AVENUE (HP 16-0001) - Request the City Council approve listing the structures on the City's Local Register and approve the CEQA Exemption.
Public Hearing Item 12
APPROVAL TO ACCEPT EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT FUNDS AND TO AMEND FISCAL YEAR 2015-2019 FIVE YEAR CONSOLIDATED PLAN AND FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN - Request City Council solicit and consider citizen input regarding the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program; approve accepting ESG funds in the amount $135,322 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-2017; approve a budget adjustment to FY 2016-2017 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocations in response to a recipient terminating their services in Escondido and reallocate the CDBG funds; approve accepting ESG funds; approve the ESG and CDBG budget; authorize the Assistant City Manager and City Clerk to execute contracts as appropriate; approve submittal of the amended FY 2016-2019 Consolidated Plan and the amended FY 2016-2017 One-Year Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the use of CDBG, HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), and ESG funds.
Public Hearing Item 13
CONSULTING AGREEMENT FOR THE FIRST PHASE OF THE REDESIGN OF A MEMBRANE FILTRATION/REVERSE OSMOSIS FACILITY FOR TREATMENT OF RECYCLED WATER FOR AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION - Request the City Council approve authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Consulting Agreement with Black and Veatch Corporation in the amount of $200,000 for engineering services for the first phase of the redesign of a Membrane Filtration and Reverse Osmosis facility at a new location.
Current Business Item 14